Speech Work: Consonant Contrast /k/ and /g/


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In today’s English Language class, We will be contrasting the vowels /k/ and /g/. We hope you enjoy the class!




  1. Speech Work: Consonant Contrast /k/ and /g/
  2. Grammar: Subject and Verb Agreement
  3. Comprehension: What our Bodies are Made of P.152
  4. Writing: Report of a Science Experience P.16
  5. Speech Work:



A. Content: Consonant Contrast /k/ and /g/

Listen and practice:

/k/ /g/
Cane gain
Call gall
could good
Cold gold
Kilt guilt
Pick pig
peck peg
Lack lag
duck dug
leak league
crab grab
crow grow
clue glue

EVALUATION: Write five words each for the sounds /k/ and /g/.



B. Grammar:

Content: Subject – Verb Agreement

A verb Agreement is a state of having the same number, gender or person. The verb must always agree with the subject. Here are the rules:

  1. When the subject is singular, the verb is singular:
      • She is a policewoman.
      • That boy sings well.
      • It licks its paw gently.
      • I love to read.
  1. When the subject is plural, the verb is plural:
      • They are policewomen.
      • Those boys sing well.
      • Most people like chocolates.
  1. When two or more singular subjects are joined by ‘and’, the verb is plural:
      • Yaro and Sola are policewomen.
      • Uke, Timi, and Audu sing well.
      • Dike and Ahmadu study very well.
  1. When two or more singular subjects are joined by ‘or’, neither………. nor, either………or, or not…… but, the verb is singular or the one close to the verb determines the verb.
      • Neither the boy nor the man likes cheese.
      • Either he or she knows the answer.
      • Not Ekema but Adamu was the winner.
      • Neither the boy nor the men were here.
      • Not only the students but also the teacher was late.
      • Edet or you help her.
      • Either he or I have to tell the teacher.
  1. Indefinite pronouns like anybody, everybody, nobody, no one and somebody require a singular verb.
      • Is anyone feeling cold here?
      • Everybody likes hotdog.
  1. Where a sentence begins with ‘it’, the verb is always singular.
      • It is we who told him about it.
      • It is the Josephs.
  1. When subjects are separated by ‘all but’ and ‘both ……..and’, the verb is plural.
      • All but Mr Alisu have left.
      • Both Ona and Yaro enjoy singing.
  1. When a singular subject is joined to other subjects by ‘with’, as well as, together with, no less etc. the verb is singular.
      • My son, as well as daughter, likes reading.
      • Hannah together with her sister is going to France.
  1. When two singular subjects refer to the same person or thing, the verb is singular. Mr Tanko, my boss and guide teaches me how to be a good salesman.


EVALUATION: Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs:

    1. Neither she nor her brother _______ gone to university
    2. A number of boys from that school _____ going camping.
    3. Some of the teachers _____ gone home due to the strike.
    4. The policeman _______ caught the robbers.
    5. Your behavior _________ unpardonable.

READING ASSIGNMENT: English Grammar by P.O Olatunbosun. pg. 35-41



C. Comprehension

comprehension english classnotesng

Content: What Our Bodies Are Made Of

While reading this passage, your purpose should be to try to learn some of the elements that your body contains and in what form your body receives them.

EVALUATION: Effective English JSS 2 P. 153 practice 2 (1-7)



D. Writing

writing english classnotesng

Content: Report of a Science Experiment

When you write a report of a science experiment, you say what happened, that i.e, you say what you did (your method) and what the result was (i.e what you observed). This is like writing a story. But there are things you must write in your report.

  1. You must begin by saying why you did the experiment (your purpose).
  2. You must end by saying what the result of the experiment makes you think.

(Your Conclusion).

EVALUATION: Effective English JS 2 P.160 – 162




  1. Write the correct word in parentheses.
  2. Everyone in Nigeria (seem, seems) to be in the station this morning.
  3. Several of the ticket windows ( is, are) closed.
  4. All of my patience ( is, are) exhausted.
  5. ( Is, Are) any of the newspaper interesting today?
  6. One of these sections (contain, contains) advertisements and sports news.
  7. Write is or are to complete each word group correctly
  8. The engineer and the conductor ______
  9. Peaches and cream ______
  10. Either the first car or the last one ______
  11. Both men and women ______
  12. Neither trains nor steamboats ________


Use the correct forms of the adjectives in brackets in the following sentences.


Lagos is (far) from here than Abuja.

Lagos is Farther from her than Abuja.

  1. Tell me whether you prefer the (small) of the two cars.
  2. That is the (tall) building in this town.
  3. You are (lucky) than your friend.
  4. Thank God, her condition is much (good) today.
  5. You are not as (careless) as Jane.


Underline the adjective or adjective phrases in these sentences

  1. The water turned red.
  2. It was the Principal’s timely arrival that helped.
  3. The very sick students stayed behind.
  4. Some say that he is too handsome.
  5. The cook is fond of the hen.



We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be talking about the vowels /m/ and /n/. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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