Vowel Contrast  /ͻ:/ /ɒ/ /^/


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In today’s English Language class, We will be contrasting the Vowels /ͻ:/ /ɒ/ /^/. We hope you enjoy the class!


english language classnotesng

A. TOPIC: Comprehension

CONTENT: An Account of a Fire Outbreak.

Listen attentively to the comprehension passage and make your own report at the end of the reading.



B. Topic: Speechwork

 Content: Vowel Contrast

/ͻ:/          /ɒ/         /^/

Hot          hut            –

Cord       cod      cud

Court       cot        cut

Forks        fox       fuck

Port          pot        

Sport        spot        

Naught    not        nut

                Song       sung

                Lock       luck

                Stock        stuck

                Cop            cup


 Evaluation: Write ten words for each sound.




C. TOPIC: Parts of Speech

parts-of-speech english language classnotesng

CONTENT: Adjectives 

An adjective describes or qualifies a noun or a pronoun.

Example, the ancient house has a gigantic fireplace.  Ancient here in this sentence describes the kind of house and gigantic also tells us what kind of fireplace.



Articles discuss people and things e.g. a, an, the

  • Possessive adjectives show that something belongs to somebody or a thing e.g. my, your, our, it, his, her, their. His book is torn.
  • Demonstrative adjectives point at nouns e.g. These books are very interesting. That book is mine.
  • Numbers adjectives answer the question of how many. E.g. I have three puppies. Two girls joined our school today.
  • Interrogative adjectives ask questions e.g. Which book is yours? What time should we go?
  • Indefinite adjectives discuss non-specific people or things. They are drawn from the indefinite pronouns e.g. any, many, several, few etc. Grandfather has been retired for many years now.



Underline the adjective in each sentence or phrase:

  1. A strong wind
  2. Powerful engines roared.
  3. Bring some money.
  4.  More help is coming.
  5.  Three girls arrived in Nigeria today.




TOPIC: Writing – Narrative

writing english classnotesng

CONTENT: A Journey I once Made.

Here are some guidelines to help you write this essay. Remember it is an essay, hence, you must not number.

          Where did you travel to?

          What is so important or peculiar about the journey?

          Where did you board your vehicle?

          If in a motor park, describe the scenes, arrival and departure of the passenger.

          Transport fare, garage touts and police checkpoints.

          Discuss the scene at each stopping points, speed and destination.

          Discuss the conditions of the road.

          Discuss your arrival – welcome greetings, gifts, your stay and departure from the journey

          Give any other details



Write an essay on the topic: A Journey I Once Made



TOPIC: Literature – Poetry

poetry classnotesng

CONTENT: Sweet Sorrow by Pious Oleghe.

There’s nothing more gladdening than sorrow

At parting,

It indicates a happy yesterday; remove it;

For, of presence-absence inverse is

The better that, the worse this;

Nor words nor weeping nor aught amend it,

Saving knowing.

Such sorrow omen, yet a happier tomorrow.


This poem discusses the idea that the sorrow that lovers usually express at parting is not necessarily negative. Rather, it is an avenue to recount good moments of experience in the past. Also, parting often provides a chance for making a re-union, which should be made joyful experience.



  1.  Discuss the use of paradox in this poem.
  2.  ‘Nor word nor weeping nor aught amend it’ means ‘nothing can ___ A. complement it   B. change the situation    C. prevent from leaving   D. adjust it    E. adjust to the situation
  3.    The poem relies heavily on ___.   A. simile   B. paradox   C. alliteration   D. pun   E. repetition
  4.    The theme of the poem is ___ A. sorrow    B. sadness   C. pain    D. parting   E. homecoming
  5.   Parting indicates a ___ yesterday.   A. happy    B. dull     C. painful    D. unhappy    E. sad
  6.  The statement ‘our past co-dwelling losses meaning ‘means that their past will be ___ A. futile B. saddening   C. cheering    D. peaceful    E. worthless



Effective English p. 217 (punctuation)




Write a poem of six lines (sextet) using appropriate rhyme scheme.




We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be talking about Word Formation. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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