The Holy Spirit Guides us to the truth


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Do you have a kid brother or sister? Were you around when he/she was learning to walk? If yes, I know there must have been times you had to guide him/her so he/she wouldn’t fall or at least not fall too hard.


TOPIC: The Holy Spirit Guides us to the truth

TEXT: John 16:12-15

What is truth?

Truth is more than fact in every situation we find ourselves. Truth is that which is consistent with the mind, will, character, glory and being of God. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth.  Jesus Christ Himself is the truth, whose major assignment is to help us in all we do.

Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth and the life. Knowing Christ and having a closer and sweeter relationship with Him will help us in our everyday life. We will not take wrong step or decision if we look up to the Holy Spirit for help.

Love and God’s Commandments ( Exodus 20: 6, 1 John 5:1-5.)    

What is love? Love is calm, gentle and benevolence. Love is a feeling of intense attraction towards someone. Love is being concerned for other people. Love is having a genuine enthusiasm towards someone or something.

The love of God is when we love Him and do His commandments. The love of God is encapsulated in His commandments. The Bible says: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Again He said, we should love our neighbor as ourselves.

Loving someone genuinely requires a sweeter and genuine relationship or walk with God. God wants us to love everyone, in spite of their short comings. Naturally we are all God’s children, but sin has separated us from God. However, God still wants us to show them love continually. Hence, those who are born of God and love Him, do not find His laws difficult to obey.

Moral lessons

  • God is love
  • Those who love and obey His commandments will be loved by Him.
  • It is good to be truthful.
  • If we allow the Holy Spirit lead or guide us, our lives will be more than meaningful.

Quiz Activities

  • Who guides us to the truth?

ANSWER: The Holy Spirit

  • What is God’s take on love?

ANSWER: He is love and He wants us to love one another.

  • Should we love sinners?


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