Cleaning the Bedroom

Welcome to class, I hope you enjoyed the last class. Today we will be talking about cleaning the bedroom. Follow me closely and you will understand what we are about to talk about.

Bedrooms: It is a room where people sleep or rest. It is used for rest, sleep, dress-up, and for keeping some personal belongings. It is used for keeping important personal belongings such as money, document, clothes, jewellery, etc. It is also used as a centre for dressing and making up.

Furniture and fittings in the bedroom include beds, mattresses, and pillows, wardrobe, and chests of drawers for clothes, bed linens, dressing table with mirror and stool.

Processes For Cleaning The Bedroom

The following are the steps you should take in cleaning the bedroom

  • Gather or collect the cleaning materials like broom or brush, dust pan, duster
  • Air the bed and beddings
  • Open the windows
  • Remove cobwebs
  • Sweep the floor
  • Dust and tidy the furniture in the room e.g beside lockers, dressing table with mirror etc.
  • Make the bed
  • Re-arrange things in the room as found after cleaning and dusting

Reasons For Cleaning The Bedroom

  • To keep the room tidy
  • To allow free flow of air
  • To make room neat to sleep in
  • To avoid dust entering our bodies or soiling our furniture
  • To live in a clean place


Making A Bed

To make the bed:

  • Air the bed and beddings. The beddings include mattress, pillow, blanket, bed sheet. Pillow slip, and bed spread
  • Lay the mattress on the bed
  • Spread the blanket and tuck in on all the sides and corners
  • Spread the bed sheet and tuck the sides and corner in
  • Put the pillows into the pillowslip and put them on the bed
  • Cover the whole bed with a bedspread



  • Write the uses and care of the bedroom.
  • Mention two reasons for cleaning the bedroom


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