Drug Abuse II


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We are eager to have you join us !!

In today’s Social Studies class, We will continue our discussion on Drug Abuse. We hope you enjoy the class!



drug-addiction-abuse basic science classnotesng


Effect of Drug Abuse on the Family

  1. Drug abuse gives a bad name to the family of the victims.
  2. Drug abuse destroys the image and reputation of the family of the victim.
  3. It makes the family of the victim to be isolated.
  4. Drug abuse destroys the beliefs and values of the family of the victims.



  1. Mention the effects of drug abuse on the family.
  2. How could the family of the victim of drug abuse be isolated?


Effects of Drug Abuse on the Society

  1. There will be an increase in the crime rate in the society.
  2. The society will be exposed to so many dangers.
  3. There will be an insecurity of lives and property in society.
  4. The society’s image and moral values will be destroyed.
  5. The society will not experience progress and development.


Ways of Discouraging Drug Abuse
  1. Parents should educate their children on the dangers of drug abuse.
  2. The government should enlighten the youth on the dangers of drug abuse.
  3. Members of the mass media should also educate the youths on the dangers of drug abuse.
  4. Teachers in our schools should educate and enlighten the students on the effects of drug abuse.
  5. Religious leaders should also be involved in the education of the youths on the dangers of drug abuse.
  6. NDLEA should be more strengthened by the government in order to check drug abuse.
  7. There should be adequate punishment for people involved in drug abuse.

Drug-abuse social studies classnotesng


  1. What are the effects of drug abuse on society?
  2. Suggest four ways of discouraging drug abuse in the country.



  1. Define culture.
  2. Differentiate between material and non-material aspects of culture
  3. Define environmental problem
  4. Give five examples of environmental problems
  5. Which raw material is used in making cement?



Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies for JS 2 by Oluwasola Oyewole Pages 24-26



  1. Which of the following government agency is responsible for arresting Indian hemp dealers and smokers? (a)NDLEA (b)NAFDAC (c)EFCC
  2. All the following are ways of discouraging drug abuse except (a) No punishment for those involved in hard drugs (b) NDLEA should be strengthened (c) The government should embark on enlightenment programmes on the use of drugs
  3. One of the following is the effect of the drug abuse on the society (a) The society will experience progress (b) It leads to increase in the crime rate (c) The society will develop rapidly.
  4. What is the full meaning of NDLEA? (a) National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (b) National Defence and Law Enforcement Agency (c) National Drug Leftover Employers Association
  5. Which of the following is not an example of a hard drug? (a) Cocaine (b) Chloroquine(c) Heroine



  1. What are the effects of drug abuse on the family?
  2. What are the effects of drug abuse on society?



We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be talking about Drug Trafficking. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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