Group Behaviour


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In today’s Social Studies class, We will be discussing Group Behaviours. We hope you enjoy the class!



group of people social studies classnotesng


A group refers to a number of people that share common characteristics and interact with one another in a particular way. So, every member who has agreed to be in such a group would want the aims and objectives of the group to be achieved. Thus, their behaviours will be on the same channel.


Types of Group Behaviour
  1. Mass Action: This refers to the action of a large number of people at a particular time who expresses their feelings by carrying placards, chanting or writing proposals. The demonstration may be peaceful or violent. If it is violent, the people are regarded as ‘mob’.
  2. Communal labour: This is the kind of behaviour in which the group takes care of the need of individuals members, for instance, a group of people can jointly construct structures, clean gutters est. so as to make their environment clean and also help out if a member is in need. It is

mass action against police brutality social studies classnotesng


  1. Define group behaviour.
  2. List two types of group behaviour.


Differences between Mass Action and Communal Labour

While mass action could be peaceful or violent, communal labour is always peaceful.

Mass action usually wants a particular situation corrected e.g. education but communal labour takes care of the need of the individual.

Mass action is geared towards expecting the government or concerned to the abnormalities but communal labour, on the other hand, will take it upon itself to correct abnormalities.


Benefits of Group Behavior

  1. Some issues left unattended to are taken care of due to group behaviour.
  2. Members assist one another in achieving socially acceptable goals such as student study group.
  3. Through group behaviour, some realize that they need to fight for their rights.
  4. Group behaviour makes people participate in the development of their own area.
  5. It promotes friendliness and mutual understanding.



  1. State two difference between mass action and communal labour
  2. List two benefits of group behaviour



  1. Define the type of group behaviour.
  2. Enumerate the benefits of group behaviour.
  3. What is the full meaning of NCWS?
  4. Define irrigation.



Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies for JSS Vol 11 by AOluwasholaOyewole pgs. 3 and 4

Macmillian JSS Social Studies 2 by M.A Orebanjo et al., pgs 4 – 5.



  1. A group that sees to the needs of individual members is known as _________ (A)Objective group  (B) mass action     C. destructive group        D. communal group
  2. Which of the following is not a form of a destructive group? (A) Thuggery (B) Communalism  C. Mob action  D. Gangsterism
  3. One of the following is a benefit of group behaviour
      • (A) It helps the more powerful person to deal with the weaker person
      • (B) It creates disunity, friendliness and emotional problems in the society
      • (C) It makes members assist one another in destroying their goals.
  4. A group of people moving in a particular direction with the intention of committing a crime is called A. Mob B. mass action C. communalism D. striker
  5. The expression of feelings or opinions by a large number of people is A. Communal B. mass action        C. communal labour        D. freedom of speech



  1. Define group behaviour and list two types of group behaviour.
  2. Differentiate between mass action and communal labour.



We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be talking about Corruption. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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3 thoughts on “Group Behaviour”

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