Writing (Formal Letter)


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In today’s English Language class, We will be writing a formal letter. We hope you enjoy the class!


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  • Definition of a formal letter
  • Features of a formal letter


Formal letters are also called official or business letters. They are written to people in their official positions. They are people we do not know personally e.g. local government chairman, commissioner etc.

Features of a formal letter

  1. Writer’s address with the date
  2. Receiver’s address
  3. Salutation, e.g., Dear Sir; Dear Madam;
  4. Heading or Topic or Title e.g. Application for the post of a Teacher; Letter of complaint; Letter of Request, Invitation etc.
  5. Body of the letter: This must state, in clear and well-defined paragraphs, the purpose of the letter. The paragraph should be as short as possible (i.e. not too long)
  6. Conclusion (This is usually very short)

Example “Looking forward to hearing from you; I shall be very grateful if my request is granted etc.

  1. Subscript


Yours faithfully,


Full name of the writer.


how-to-format-a-business-letter- business studies classnotesng



sample business letter business studies classnotesng
Sample Formal / Business Letter


Evaluation: Write a letter to the chairman of the local government area where your school is located, asking him to tar the road to your school.

Reference:  Countdown English by Ogunsanwo

Reading Assignment: Read pages 23-24 of Creative and Guided Composition by C.O Odetola.



  • Provide five words for each of the sounds below

/f/ and /v/

  • In three sentences summarize the comprehension passage on, “The Nervous System at work.”

Weekend Assignment: Do section F on page 241 of Effective English for JSS Book 3.



We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be reading the Comprehension: From the Great Ponds. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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