Writing: Features of Informal Letters

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In today’s English class, we will be learning about Features of Informal Letters

Did you know that before the telephone was introduced, one of the major ways people communicated was through letters? Friends, families and loved ones reached out to each other by simply writing letters

informal letters

Today, we are going to take a look at what those types of letters are called in the English language. 

Informal Letters

Informal letters are personal letters that are written to let your friends or family know about what is going on in your life and to pass your regards. 

features of informal letters

Features of informal letters include the following:

Receiver’s address



Body – Introduction, Content, Conclusion


Let’s take a look at a girl writing a letter to her cousin asking about her first visit to Ethiopia


45, Glover Road, Ikoyi


14th September, 2023


Dearest Maria,

I was so glad to hear from my mother that you are back home after the trip. Hope you had a safe and enjoyable trip. I have been waiting to hear all about the trip from you.

Since this was the first time you have been to a foreign land, I guess every little bit of the trip was as exciting as you expected it to be. I have heard from my friends living there that the place is extremely beautiful and that the people there are very kind. However, I was worried when I heard you fell ill during your stay there. Hope  you are now better. I hope everything else was fine except for this.

I had spoken to your mother earlier, and she told me that you would be coming home after two weeks. I saw your pictures on Facebook as well. I can’t wait to meet you and hear all your stories. Waiting eagerly for your reply.


Your loving cousin,



In summary, when writing an informal letter, have it in mind that Informal letters are personal letters that are written to let your friends or family know about what is going on in your life and to extend your greetings. 



Based on today’s lesson, how will you define an informal letter?


Reading Assignment

Name the features of an informal letter


Weekend Assignment

Write a letter to your best friend telling them about your plans for the next holiday. 


We hope you enjoyed today’s class. In our next class, we will be learning about Features of Formal Letter.

Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comment section, and we will attend to them as fast as we can.

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1 thought on “Writing: Features of Informal Letters”

  1. 1) Please, why is the address and closure at the left hand side of the letter, I thought they are meant to be at the right hand side.
    2) An informal letter carries the address of the writer not the the recipient.

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